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Break Time

A small snack is provided at break time.  The children are encouraged to be independent by pouring their own drink and helping themselves to the selection of fruit and breads.  We aim to provide a healthy snack and will only offer the children milk or water to drink.  We also provide a variety of fruit and encourage the children to try new foods. As the year progresses, the children will have opportunities to butter breads, peel/cut their own fruit, make sandwiches etc.
A break time menu will be displayed.  Please don't worry if you think your child doesn't like something - it's amazing what they will eat when they see everybody else enjoying it!
Please ensure your child has eaten before they come to preschool.  The snack provided may be small and should not be a substitute for breakfast or lunch.
Please do not send individual foods with your child, apart from lunch club food, as they are only permitted to eat what we supply unless on medical grounds.


Lunch Club

At Greengables, if enough parents want to participate, we run a lunch club which gives an extended day for parents and allows the children the opportunity to bring a healthy packed lunch to preschool and eat together as they would do in primary school.  There's also time for some extra fun along with their friends!
Times for lunch club are:

Monday & Wednesday  - 11:45am to 12:45pm
The cost is £2.50/hr.
 (Price subject to change)

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