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January 2025



 We hope you had a fab Christmas and we’d like to wish you a happy & healthy New Year! It all seems so long ago, the children are delighted to be back and we have heard all about the gifts they received!


December was very busy!  The children loved having their grown-ups along for Christmas craft day and could not wait to take their decorated logs home!  We were invited to see the primary school children in their Christmas play, they were excellent and our children thoroughly enjoyed it.  It’s always nice to see so many of our past pupils taking centre stage, it always makes us very emotional!


The Punch and Judy show was a big hit with the children, I’m sure they were exhausted afterwards, there was a lot of laughing, shouting & dancing! It is such a joy seeing them really ‘let go’ when they are watching the show!


Thank you for joining us for our Song & Santa event, I know it was a bit of a squeeze!  The children sang so well, we were really proud of them! It’s a big deal to sing in front of that many people at any age, never mind when you are only 3 & 4!   




A huge thankyou to everyone that contributed to our December fundraisers! Our Christmas jumper day raised £36 and the ballot raised £146! This money will go towards the repair of the sensory shed roof, which doesn’t sound very exciting, but is essential to ensure we can continue to use it!


We continue to look for grants for running costs.  If you, or anyone you know, works somewhere that has a charitable fund we could apply for, please speak to me about it.  Thank you!



                                             CURRICULUM PLANS


Some children noticed the full moon on their way to pre-school last week, so we all ventured outside to take a look! We will continue to observe it’s changing shape!


One of the children brought along a book to share with the rest of class, ‘Molly Panda saves the planet’. This inspired lots of conversation about trees and how important they are for people and animals. They also talked about their understanding of rubbish and recycling and we will continue to build on this for as long as the children show interest!


We have also been telling traditional fairy tales, with a 2025 twist (!), as the children have become actively involved! So far, we have listened to The Billy Goats Gruff and The Three Little Pigs! Goldilocks and the three bears and The Gingerbread Man are still to come!  


The children have been using paint and materials to create some amazing ‘sky’ pictures, they have definitely captured these January morning perfectly, using greys, whites, blues and purples! Continue to point out things in the environment when outside. These children are very observant! We will also be making bird feeders and talking about wild life during the winter months.


The children have already had a visit from Lorraine @ Musical Monkeys this month, she brought along Lummi sticks to help develop our sense of rhythm, tambourines and lots of farmyard animals (not real!). Lorraine will be back for her next visit at the beginning of February!



Please encourage your child to put their coat on independently! We will continue to focus on this throughout January. This is a vital skill which builds confidence and self-esteem!


In class, the children will build on their use of real cutlery and dishes at snack time as we add real serving dishes to the table to select their food from. They have already mastered pouring from glass jugs and are currently developing their use of knives to spread butter etc.

Real plates/bowls will be our next steps! These children are very capable!!!





On Wednesday 29th January we will be holding a “Big Breakfast & Pyjama Day”.  The children and staff wear pyjamas into school.  We provide a big breakfast of cereal, toast, cheese, fruit etc.  It’s all good fun and the children really enjoy it. Grown-ups are also invited along at 11:20am to join the children for their story time. This was a big hit last year! The children will then then be able to choose their first ‘Lending Library’ bag to take home.




Big decisions this month, as applications for pre-school and primary school places are made online via the EA portal.  If you have any problems with this please contact your school of choice or speak to me.

Closing Date 24th January @ 12Noon

Also, a massive thankyou to all those parents that have been recommending Greengables to friends, family, neighbours and even on social media! This is the best form of advertising a pre-school setting can have, we have had lots of enquiries and telephone calls/visits from prospective future parents! Thankyou!


Save the date!

Big breakfast/pyjama day/shared storytime event: Wed 29th January

(Grown-ups attend at 11:20am for story time)

Closing date for Primary School Admissions: Fri 24th January @ 12Noon

Pre-School closed for staff training: Mon 3rd February

Musical Monkeys: Thurs 6th Feb

Mid Term break: Tues 11th Feb - !4th Feb (inclusive)

Poppin’ Pilates: Tues 25th Feb

School Photographer: Mon 3rd March


As always, if at any time you are worried about your child in pre-school, please speak to me or a member of staff immediately. Thankyou.

Tracey, Rebecca & Claire

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