Classrooms 3/4
Central Primary School
Thomas Street, Carrickfergus
BT38 8AL
Tel. No. 028 93 360928
email: greengablespreschool@outlook.com
Greengables Pumpkin Play!
Just a pumpkin.... Nope, this pumpkin had a journey round the classroom! Initially used as a story prop, the children then had their own plans for it! They checked out the weight, passing it to each other and prompting a game of 'pass the pumpkin'. One child drew a face on it to match the pumpkin in the story...then off it went to the junk art where it was painted! Next it made it's way to the water tray and was scrubbed with lots of soapy bubbles... then, it was joined by a second pumpkin and we cut off the top, scooped seeds and made 'pumpkin soup'! .... Jonah W brought along a teeeny tiny pumpkin and we chatted about how light it was, this time we rolled the pumpkin to each other!.... Then on our dress-up day, Lucy led the children in a completely independent game of roll the pumpkin. no adult required, child led play at it's best!..... And all those seeds the children scooped? they are drying out in the classroom, waiting on their return...