Classrooms 3/4
Central Primary School
Thomas Street, Carrickfergus
BT38 8AL
Tel. No. 028 93 360928
email: greengablespreschool@outlook.com
Greengables Pre-school respects the right for all information, records and observations to be treated with respect and with due attention to confidentiality and privacy.
However, the legal principle that “the welfare of the child is paramount” (Children Order NI) means that confidentiality comes second to the right of the child to be protected from harm (See Child Protection Policy).
Any information regarding the children or their families will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Information shared by parents about their child’s health, development, behaviour or family circumstances will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Students on placement will be made aware of the principal of confidentiality when they are making observations of children or of the working of the group as a whole.
All staff members are given a copy of confidentiality policy as part of our staff induction.
Information on child protection issues will be shared by the Pre-school leader on a “need to know” basis.
Information may be shared with Social Services and/or Department of Education in accordance with their guidance and regulation. Parental consent will be obtained beforehand, if appropriate.
Records and registration forms relating to a child will be kept for the period of time the child is in attendance and then destroyed, in line with our data protection policy.
Records of accidents and incidents will be retained indefinitely.
Records relating to staff (paid or voluntary) will be retained for the time period stated in the data protection policy.
Confidentiality is given the highest priority within all areas of our pre-school.
This policy was adopted by Greengables Pre-school on 9/3/2020
Witnessed by: Nicola Lowry Position: Chairperson
Signature of Leader : Tracey Stewart
Reviewed: Sept 2024