Classrooms 3/4
Central Primary School
Thomas Street, Carrickfergus
BT38 8AL
Tel. No. 028 93 360928
Greengables aims to provide the highest quality care & education for all children attending the setting. At Greengables we aim to provide a warm welcome & caring environment within which all children can learn and develop as they play. The setting intends to work in partnership with parents/carers to meet their needs and the needs of their children and we welcome comments/suggestions on how to improve the pre-school.
Management/Leader of Greengables endeavor to quickly & informally resolve concerns through discussion with appropriate parties. All comments & complaints will be taken seriously and dealt with fairly and confidentially. If a parent/carer is not satisfied with any aspect of the provision of care and cannot informally resolve the issue, they may then follow the complaints procedure.
Complaint by a parent
1. If a parent/carer has a complaint he/she should bring it to the leader’s attention either verbally or in writing. A complaints form is available outside the classroom or from a member of staff.
2. The leader will then try to resolve the matter by speaking to the parent/carer in a calm and controlled manner. If the complaint is in writing, a response will be made within 7 days. In instances where the complaint concerns the welfare of a child, staff have a responsibility to inform Single Point of Entry Team/Social Services without delay.
3. The complaint will be recorded and filed in the complaints file. All
records are confidential.
4. If in the unlikely event that the matter is not resolved satisfactorily, the matter may be brought before the Committee in writing. Information on this procedure will be given to you by the pre-school leader.
5. Where a complaint is made against a member of staff, that person will be informed of the nature of the complaint.
6. If an issue cannot be resolved it may be necessary to involve the Health & Social Care Trust if a child appeared to be at risk or if there was a possible breach of registration requirements. In this case a further investigation of the complaint would be carried out.
A complaints/comments box is available on a daily basis outside the classroom for parents/carers to use to express any concerns or make any type of comment. Please feel free to use it.
To contact social services Tel: 028 93315112
Complaint by a member of staff, a committee member, student or volunteer
If a staff member, committee member, student or volunteer wishes to make a complaint they may speak to the leader (if not directly involved).
​ 2. If this is not appropriate they may speak to members of the Management Committee or if a child appeared to be at risk or there was a possible breach of registration requirements the Health & Social Care Trust may be contacted. Social Services can be contacted on Tel: 93315112.
3. If the leader has a complaint this may be brought to the committee
or if the committee is involved it may then be taken to Social
Services if appropriate.
This policy was adopted by Greengables on 9/3/2020
Witnessed by: Nicola Lowry Position: Chairperson
Signature of Leader: Tracey Stwart
Complaint brought to Leader verbally or using complaints form.
Complaint brought to the Management Committee in writing.
Complaint brought to Health & Social Care Trust. 02893315112
Complaint will be added to Complaints Register.
(Please give details)
DATE OF INCIDENT: (if applicable)
Meeting with the Leader of the Pre-school held on (Date):
Complaint investigated by:
Outcome of complaint investigation:
Date of follow-up meeting with complainant (if applicable):
Outcome of meeting & complaint:
Actions as a result of complaint:
Complainant – I have read the above recorded outcome of my complaint and I am satisfied/unsatisfied (delete as appropriate) with steps taken to resolve the matter.
Complainant signature:
If unsatisfied further action taken:
Complaint recorded on Complaints Register YES/NO
Signed;Leader: Date:
Signed:Complainant: Date:
Signed;Committee Chairperson: Date: