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Classrooms 3/4
Central Primary School
Thomas Street, Carrickfergus
BT38 8AL
Tel. No. 028 93 360928
Kit Bag
Kit Bag
- Sweatshirt
- White Polo Shirt
- Underwear
- Socks
- Navy or Black Jogging Bottoms/Leggings
- Trainers (with velcro fastenings)
- Box of Tissues
- Packet of Wipes
- Hand Sanitizer
- Kitchen roll

Please check kit bag regularly and replenish any items
A complete change of clothes, including shoes, should be left in the kit bag provided by us in case of accidents. If wet clothes are sent home please remember to replace the items the following day. A note will be given to you upon collection of your child to let you know what items need replaced.
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