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Classrooms 3/4
Central Primary School
Thomas Street, Carrickfergus
BT38 8AL
Tel. No. 028 93 360928
Welcome to Greengables Pre-School!

Reminder! EA Admissions' Portal Closes @ 12noon Friday 24th January!
About us
Greengables is an independent preschool based in Central Primary School right in the heart of the community of Carrickfergus. Established in the 1980s, we have grown from a small playgroup setting into a highly accomplished preschool with two morning classes ranging in age from 2 years 10 months to 4 years.
Meet our staff
At Greengables we have a caring and dedicated staff. With over 60 years of combined experience, we continually update our training and add to our professional development. We achieve this by attending several days training per annum.
All our staff are fully vetted before and during their employment with Greengables.
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